Over the past few years, pay-per-click advertising (PPC) has become one of the most efficient ways to advertise your products and services online. It’s also a way for small businesses to compete with large corporations that have access to more resources and budgets than most entrepreneurs do. However, this doesn’t mean that everyone can afford to use PPC campaigns as their primary marketing strategy—it takes time and effort just like any other form of advertising. In this guide, we’ll explore how best practices can help maximize your success rate when using PPC as part of an overall marketing plan for your business.

What is pay-per-click (PPC)?

Pay-per-click (PPC) is an online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time a user clicks on their ads. PPC is an effective way to reach potential customers who are actively looking for your product or service.

Unlike other advertising models like organic search, display, and email campaigns, when you bid on keywords in PCP you have no idea what type of person will click on the ad before it appears. This makes it difficult for advertisers to predict the ROI of their campaign; however, there are ways you can increase your chances of winning bids and thus making more money from this type of campaign:

  1. Use the right keywords: It’s important to use keywords that are relevant to your business and target audience. For example, if you’re running a weight loss clinic in New York City then it would be wise to bid on terms like “weight loss” and “diet plan” rather than “web design services” or “SEO services.”
  2. Optimize for mobile devices: Google has been pushing hard for mobile-first indexing so now more than ever it’s critical to ensure your website is optimized for mobile devices by using AMP technology and responsive design where possible.

AdWords Tips

AdWords is a powerful tool that can help you drive leads and sales, increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. Here are some tips to maximize your pay-per-click advertising campaign :

  1. Use a call-to-action (CTA) button: The goal of your AdWords campaign is to drive people to convert on your website, so make sure they know what they should do next by including a CTA button with clear copy that tells users what they can expect after clicking on it.
  2. Create different landing pages: Don’t just use one page for all of your campaigns because this doesn’t allow you to test different versions of content and messaging with different audiences. 
  3. Use AdWords to generate business leads: When someone searches for something related to your business on Google, ad text appears above the search results with an ad copy that guides potential customers through the process of signing up for information about what you offer (and how much it costs). This makes it easy for people who are interested in getting more information about what you do—whether they’re looking for a job or just want some advice on how their finances could be improved—to find out more about what services might work best for them! And if someone clicks through from an ad or uses their phone number as part of an auto-dialed call sequence? That’s even better! You’ve got another chance at making yourself memorable throughout this process; now all those people need do is remember where they saw those words the first time around before contacting one another later down the line.”

Set Clear Goals and Objectives

When you’re setting goals for your pay-per-click advertising campaign, it’s important to know what you want to achieve. Before starting on a solution, define the problem and identify its root causes. This can help guide your efforts when creating an effective plan for fixing that issue.

For example, if your goal is to increase sales by 10%, then it’s likely that some of the factors contributing to this increase are poor product quality or poor customer service (or both). You can use those insights as part of your strategy for improving those areas so that they become less detrimental in future campaigns—and thus maximize profits!

Know Your Keywords and the Competition

Keyword research is the key to a successful pay-per-click campaign. It’s also the most important thing you can do before launching your campaign, as it will determine how much money you spend and how many clicks are generated. If you don’t know the keywords that people are searching for when they look at your site, then there is no way for Google Ads or any other advertising platform to show ads on exactly that topic. You need a solid foundation of knowledge before building out any content strategy around these concepts—and knowing what your competition is up against is half that journey!

Optimize for Quality Ads

Maximising your pay per click campaign has a lot to do with optimizing for quality. It’s important to avoid click-baiting , which can lead to low conversion rates. A study conducted by HubSpot found that click-baiting ads directed people to click fewer times and spend less time on the site after visiting them.

To ensure that your ads are converting well and driving consumers back toward your website or app, follow these tips :

  • Use landing pages that are relevant to the ad copy and call to action (CTA). For example, if you’re advertising dog food as an article of clothing, make sure that all images in the ad link directly back toward articles about dogs on our site instead of leading readers down another path entirely; this will help increase conversions!
  • Include compelling headlines within each CTA description so readers know exactly what they’ll get when clicking through from one page of content versus another page within their browser window.”

Consider Targeting Options

When it comes to targeting, advertisers can choose from a variety of options.

  • Age: When choosing which demography to target, it’s crucial to consider the age of your potential clients. For instance; if you’re marketing products to an older demographic, you might want to focus on folks over 60 who reside in rural locations and prefer the pet term “grannies” ( yes, really).
  • Gender: Males are now much more likely than women to be interested in certain goods or services and they have always been much more likely to be interested in such things.If your company sells clothing items such as underwear or socks but only targets males between 30-50 years old who like NASCAR racing then it could mean fewer sales than if you had simply targeted any male who lives within 100 miles radius of where people live!
  • Location: Finding out where potential customers live helps businesses decide what kind of ads they should run on Facebook because there’s a good chance that those people already know about what kinds of ads are most effective based on where they live/work/play etcetera…

Understand Bidding Strategies

  • Position- Bid to position is when you’re willing to pay a higher bid, to be shown at the top of your organic search results. This is usually done if you’re looking for high-quality traffic or conversions, but it can also be used as a way of getting more impressions or clicks on your ad. When you’re using position bids, it’s important to remember that the higher your bid, the lower your chances of showing up on Google’s first page. If you’re a larger company with a lot of money to spend on ads, this might not matter as much to you; however, small businesses often have less capital and need to be more strategic about spending their ad dollars.
  • Budget- You may want to bid based on “budget” instead of position since this will allow you to maximize how much money goes into each ad campaign and make sure that every dollar spent gets maximum value from it. For example, A $1 CPM means that if someone clicks through once they’ll pay $1 per click (CPC). If they click twice then their CPC rises by 50% so now it’s $2 but because we’ve doubled our budget we still only get 50% of what was originally paid for by those who clicked the first time around!

So if you have a budget of $100 for an ad, then the first person who clicks will pay the full $100. However, the second person who clicks only pays half that amount—$50—and so on. This means that your CPC is lower than it would be if you were bidding for a position only. There are two reasons for this: First, people tend to click more often when they see something at the top of their search results (because they see something there every time they search), so by showing them at #1 they’ll click more often than if they saw something lower down on the page or even not at all.

Focus on Landing Pages and Conversion Tracking

The landing pages you use for your bid per click campaigns are an important part of your overall marketing strategy. Landing pages are the first page that users see when they land on a website or app, and they serve as a gateway to converting them into customers.

Several factors can impact how well your landing pages perform:

  • The quality of the content on the page itself (elements like headlines, subheadlines, bullet points)
  • How it’s organized within its template (the layout).
  • The design and aesthetics of the page( colors, fonts) The overall user experience (how easy it is for users to navigate your content) The quality of the ad targeting that drove users to this page in the first place (what keywords were used, how many times they have been searched for).

Research your keywords and optimise for quality ad campaigns.

It’s important to research your keywords and optimise for quality ad campaigns. You should also pay attention to landing pages and bid strategies. Bid on keywords that are relevant to your business, and use analytics to track conversions. Its important to research your keywords and optimize for quality ad campaigns.You should also pay attention to landing pages and bid strategies. Bid on keywords that are relevant to your business and use analytics to track conversions.


Now that you’ve got a better understanding of how PPC works, what it can do for your business, and how to optimize your campaigns for success, it’s time to get started. We recommend starting small with a few keywords or phrases in one or two ad groups and seeing how they perform before investing more money into an account. If you find that there’s too much competition on the keywords you selected (or any other aspect of your PPC strategy), then consider changing up your targeting strategy by adding related keywords; this way you can still capture traffic from related topics while also optimizing performance for these new keyword groups.